Brief Introduction to Wet Blasting

Brief Introduction to Wet Blasting


Brief Introduction to Wet Blasting


Abrasive blasting is a common way to remove contaminants from the surface. Wet blasting is one method of abrasive blasting. Wet blasting combines compressed air, abrasive materials, and water to achieve the expected finish result on the chosen surface, which becomes a great and popular way for abrasive blasting. In this article, wet blasting will be introduced to its advantages and disadvantages.




Wet blasting has many advantages, like reducing dust, decreasing the abrasive materials, keeping clear, and so on. So, operators of wet abrasives can experience lower dust, increased visibility, and a safer environment.

1. Reduce dust

Because of the participation of water, wet blasting can reduce the dust in the environment, especially when using sandblasting abrasive materials that easily break down, like coal slag. So wet blasting can protect operators and working parts from abrasive airborne particles, and it is advantageous in open environments.

2. Decrease abrasive materials

The number of abrasive materials can be affected by various elements. One of the most important ones is the size of the blast nozzle. The large size of the blasting nozzle can consume more abrasive materials. When using wet blasting, operators will add water to the hose so they will reduce the number of abrasive materials.

3. Non-sensitive to the environment

Wet blasting, of course, is applied with water and a rust inhibitor, which means that the wet blasting system can hardly be affected by water.

4. Cleaning

During the wet blasting, operators can deal with the surface of the workpiece, while they can also cleaning the surface. They can finish the removal and the cleaning in one step, while dry blasting needs a step more to clean the atmosphere.

5. Reduce static charges

Abrasive blasting may cause sparks, which are the potential to cause an explosion when a fire is present. However, no sparks appear in the wet blasting. So, it is safer to apply wet blasting.



1. Expensive

Wet blasting requires a water injection system to add water to the abrasive materials and other more equipment, which mat increases the more expensive.

2. Flash rusting

As we all know, metals are easy to erosion after being exposed to water and oxygen. After removing the surface of the workpiece by wet blasting, the workpiece is exposed to the air and water, which is easy to rust. To avoid this, the finished surface must be dried quickly afterward.

3. Cannot stop anytime

During the dry blasting, operators can stop blasting, deal with other staff and return to continue after several minutes, even several hours. But this cannot happen during the wet blasting. The abrasive materials and water in the blast pot will harden and be hard to clean up if operators leave wet blasting behind for a long time.

4. Waste

During wet abrasive, a large amount of water is used, and the used abrasive materials are mixed with water, so it is difficult to reuse the abrasive and water. And dealing with the used abrasive materials and water is another question.


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