Dust Control Techniques

Dust Control Techniques


Dust Control Techniques


To control the particle emissions that cause air pollution, it is important to use dust control techniques. There are so many techniques and this article is going to talk in detail about them.


1.     Blast Enclosure

Blast enclosures are very effective in containing and recovering and restoring the dust particles produced during abrasive blasting. They are designed to completely enclose abrasive blast operations, so the dust particles cannot spread into the air. In addition, most blast enclosures ventilation systems can remove the dust from the air before they remove the products from the enclosures.

2.     Vacuum Blasters

Like vacuum people use to clean their floors, vacuum blasters suck in the particles that are in the air during the abrasive blasting process. These particles are stored in the collection system and can be reused. A vacuum blaster is a great process for collecting emissions. The bad thing about vacuum blasters is their cost of them is high, and the vacuum blaster itself is heavy and hard to use.

3.     Drapes

Drapes, also known as curtains, are also one of the important methods that help control particles in the air. Compare with blast enclosures and vacuum blasters, drapes are not as effective. But the costs of drapes are not as expensive as blast enclosures and vacuum blasters either.

4.     Water Curtains

Water curtains are created by a series of nozzles that are installed along the surface being blasted. These water curtains can redirect and collect the particles from the abrasive blasting process. This control technique of water curtains is popular not because of its cost-effectiveness, but also an excellent way of reducing damage to the human body and the environment.

5.     Wet Blasting

Wet blasting works by mixing water and abrasive media together while the abrasive blasting process. The mixture can capture the dust particles immediately and prevent emissions into the air. Wet blasting includes wet abrasive blasting, high-pressure water, and other types of blasting containing water in it. Although wet blasting can effectively collect dust emissions, it has the disadvantage of cannot cleaning the surface as effectively as dry blasting.


6.     Centrifugal Blasters

Centrifugal blasters have collection systems to help them to recycle the particles. This control technique is often used on large and horizontal structures.


Due to the damage dust particles can cause to the earth, it is crucial to use these dust control techniques while the abrasive blasting process. Not just to keep the workers safe, but also keep the earth green.

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