• V Type Suction Blast Spay Gun Kit

V Type Suction Blast Spay Gun Kit

Gysga düşündiriş

Type V blasting gun directs a high-speed mixture of air and abrasive to quickly remove corrosion, coatings, heat treatment residue or other substances. ...

  • Components: Air jet, nozzle insert, nozzle sleeve, flange nut
  • Abrasive inlet size: 19mm/25mm




Suction Sand Blasting Gun, designed for fast efficient sand blasting, liquid or air cleaning of parts and surfaces, is a king of powerful tool for removing corrosion, mill scale, old paint, heat treatment residue, carbon buildup, tool marks, burrs and many other materials. It’s also widely used in the making of frosted glass in the factory.

Suitable Applications

1.Works with most recyclable blast media – steel grit and shot, silicon carbide, garnet, aluminum oxide, glass bead, and ceramics 

2.The removal of paint, rust, scale, and carbon, etc.

V Type Suction Blast Spay Gun Kit

Type V blasting gun directs a high-speed mixture of air and abrasive to quickly remove corrosion, coatings, heat treatment residue or other substances.


Novel Features

1.The gun keeps the air jet and blast nozzle precisely aligned to maximize blast efficiency and minimize gun-body wear 

2. A knurled nut at the gun outlet allows the operator to change nozzles without tools   

3. Adjustable bracket allows gun fixture in all possible blast directions  

4. Accepts a variety of nozzles and extensions such as boron carbide/silicon carbide /tungsten carbide/ceramics nozzle inserts, so the operator can select the best nozzle size and nozzle composition for the application  

5. Gun components such as air jet, nozzle insert, nozzle sleeve, and flange nut can be replaced separately to save costs


1.With all related equipment correctly assembled and tested, the operator points the nozzle at the surface to be cleaned and presses the remote control handle to begin blasting.

2.The operator holds the nozzle 18 to 36 inches from the surface and moves it smoothly at a rate that produces the desired cleanliness. Each pass should overlap slightly. 

3.The operator must replace the nozzle once the orifice wears 1/16-inch beyond its original size.




1. Söwda kompaniýasy ýa-da öndüriji?

Biz zawod, esasan wolfram karbidi, bor karbidi we kremniy karbid önümleri. Mundan başga-da, müşderileriň talaplaryna görä degişli garnituralarda söwda edýäris.

2. Hilini nädip kepillendirip bileris?

Köpçülikleýin önümçilikden öň elmydama önümçilikden öňki nusga; Iberilmezden ozal hemişe soňky gözleg

3. Näme üçin beýleki üpjün edijilerden däl-de, bizden satyn almaly?

Önüm we eksport etmek boýunça baý tejribe ISO-nyň hili, gowy bahasy we islege görä çalt önümçiligiň giň gerimi; çykdajylary tygşytlamak, energiýa tygşytlamak, wagt tygşytlamak; ýokary hilli önümleri gazanmak, has köp işewürlik gazanmak, bazary gazanmak!

4. Gowşuryş wagtyňyz näçe?

Adatça, harytlar ätiýaçda bolsa 3 ~ 5 gün bolýar; ýa-da sargyt mukdaryna baglylykda harytlar ätiýaçda bolmasa, 15-25 gün.

5. Nusga berýärsiňizmi? Mugtmy ýa-da goşmaça?

Umuman, mugt nusgalary bermeýäris. Emma nusga çykdajylaryny köp sargytlaryňyzdan aýyryp bileris.

6. Töleg şertleriňiz we usulyňyz näme?

Töleg 1000USD-dan az ýa-da deňdir, öňünden 100%. Töleg 1000USD-dan uly ýa-da deňdir, öňünden 30% T / T, ibermezden ozal balans. T / T, L / C, Alipay, PayPal, Western Union WeChat we ş.m. kabul edýäris.

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